Each child in the toddler room has a little photo album with pictures of mom, dad and close family and friends, so that they can see those they love during the day. They each take turns looking at each other's books all the time. The other day Maren grabbed two books to read. Her teacher asked her whose books they were and she answered "Lily and Kaleb." Teacher "How do you know that?" Maren "'Cause I'm a smart girl."
Overheard playing with Play-Dough one day..."I'm going to make a watch (rolls long, snake-like piece). See my lovely watch!"
After building a tower of Legos, she carried it away from the building table. Teacher "Where are you going?" Maren "I'm taking it to a patient."
At lunch one day...another child was trying to put on his own bib. Maren "He's trying to do it himself. Can someone help him?" The little mother in her comes out!
We are so grateful the teachers take such good notes about what each child says and does during the day. After Labor Day, Maren will move into the "Bunny Room" with children aged 2 1/2 - 3 1/2. No notes! That will be tough on Mom and Dad.
Letters...twice with no prompting from us, Maren has seen ladders (once at home and once in the school building) and commented "Oh, it looks like an "A.". Hurrah! The repetition and reading and alphabet puzzles are working. The other day I wore a shirt with the word Atlanta on it. She was on my lap and said "Oh, three As." I asked her if she knew any other letters. "Yes, T and L."